Membuat Tabel Sederhana di Blogger atau Blogspot

Membuat Tabel Sederhana di Blogger atau Blogspot - Saat membuat postingan, kadang dibutuhkan tabel sebagai guidance dan agar tampil menarik. Sekedar share, berikut cara membuat tabel sederhana di Blogger atau Blogspot.

Untuk membuat tabel sederhana, perintah yang diperlukan adalah:

<table> : untuk membuat tabel
<tr> : untuk membuat baris
<td> : untuk membuat kolom
border : mengatur ketebalan garis

Misalnya kita akan membuat tabel 3 baris dan 3 kolom, maka kodenya:

<table border="1">
<td>Teks 1</td>
<td>Teks 2</td>
<td>Teks 3</td>


<table border="2">
Lionel Messi
Wayne Rooney</td>
AC Milan
Man. United</td>
<td>Negara Asal

Lionel Messi
Wayne Rooney
AC Milan
Man. United
Negara Asal

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Trik Sembunyikan Layar Komputer | Cara Aman Internetan di Kantor

Trik Sembunyikan Layar Komputer | Cara Aman Internetan di Kantor – Punya bos disiplin kadang bikin bete. Mau fesbukan nggak boleh, browsing dilarang. Maunya kalau di kantor ya berkutat dengan pekerjaan kantor.

Tapi jangan khawatir, dengan DoubleDesktop kita bisa ‘mengakali’ bos tanpa ketahuan. Dengan software ini, hanya sekali klik tampilan web di layar komputer akan tersembunyi.

Caranya gampang, download softwarenya di sini. Jika sudah, install. Maka, pada tray icon (biasanya di kanan bawah) akan muncul ikon segitiga merah.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Jika sudah, sekarang buka internet. Cobalah meng-klik ikon segitiga merah tadi, maka tampilan web internet di layar otomatis tersembunyi

Selamat mencoba.

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Cara Menambahkan Tombol 'Like' Facebook di Blog

Cara Menambahkan Tombol 'Like' Facebook di Blog - Bagi yang suka fesbukan, pasti biasa lohat tombol 'Like'. Tombol seperti itu ternyata bisa dipasang di bawah postingan blog. Caranya:

1. Masuk Layout->Edit HTML->centang 'Expand widget template'

2. Cari kode <data:post.body/>

3. Letakkan kode berikut ini di bawahnya:

<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + data:post.url + &quot;&amp;action=like&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=450&amp;font=arial&amp;colorscheme=light&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:25px;'/>

4. Simpan dan lihat hasilnya.

Selamat mencoba

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Physics Help

Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines. Physics is both significant and influential, in part because advances in its understanding have often translated into new technologies, but also because new ideas in physics often resonate with other sciences, mathematics, and philosophy.

Learn physics is not easy. Even many students said that this is one of the most scaring subjects for them. If you want to learn physics easily, you need to get the Physics Help.

You can find the best physics tutor in internet and learn by online. If you want to get online physics tutoring, I highly recommended you visit This is the perfect place for you to learn physics.

At the site you can also find Geometry Help and Chemistry Help.


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Invest In Gold

If you want to invest your assets, I highly recommendes you invest in gold. Because gold is one of most secure investing. Not like stock markets, gold has never gone down drastically.

Gold investment could be done by buying and keeping gold bullion. You could buy bullion in an online manner in GoldCoinsGain. You can learn easily many information about investing in gold at the site.

GoldCoinsGain also provide gold market news, gold predictions and online shopping. Nothing can provide convenience in transaction to buy gold bullion etc. on sites like this. Don’t waste your time, buy gold for your life investment at GoldCoinsGain right now.

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